Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Changed blogs

I am now at
Sorry, I got distracted. I wanted a blog that stated in the title very clearly what the blog is about. Since I can't separate the two new life-altering changes, I might as well name it like it is. The Brain Injured Vegan.
The new goal is to write a new post each day and walk you through my transition to becoming vegan and dealing with my brain injury. Hopefully, it won't take too long to get to present day. And hopefully I won't be neglectful of this new blog!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I sometimes forget that my becoming vegan corresponds with my brain injury.

Troy has been doing Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's The 30-Day Vegan Challenge. He's nearly done, one more week. We talked the other night about how it's going. Troy said he's not continuing after the 30 days. :(
He's continuing the most he 'can', but he says he can't see himself being vegan. He misses meat too much. <eye roll>
I cried. I was really hoping he'd have this amazing awakening(that I had) and decide it just wasn't worth it. I told him that comes across as really selfish. He said he would still be vegan at home, and take vegan lunches, etc.
Give him time. He's bound to wake up. Any day now. Hmm. Perhaps not in this lifetime.
I am really glad he won't be going back to eating animals, or their secretions, at every meal, everyday.

So I was thinking, maybe my awakening to the evils of the animal industry was really perfectly timed. I mean, as soon as I could think complex thoughts, I began reading everything that had to do with veganism. So because my brain became more active and critical at the same time as transitioning to being vegan, this awakening was so profound for me!                                  
Maybe everyone just needs a good whack to the head.  : P

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Tricky Evening

Ugh! So a couple of Troy's cousins were over, and one was saying how he's going to slaughter chickens tomorrow with his son. His son is 5! Gotta desensitize them young. They go pretty often, like once or twice a month lately. My heart hurts. Even the other family members made jokes about his son becoming a serial killer.
Then his other cousin was talking about how "great hunting is, and it's such a rush, and you've gotta try it".
It was a tough evening to get through. I wanted to speak up, but I didn't even know what to say. I know it's late, but had to say something to someone. <sigh>
On the bright side, when Troy told them he's been vegan for two weeks, the hunting one, said "awesome man, keep it up!"
The chicken slaughterer almost fell over from disbelief, but then he said he "just had my first meatless meal tonight, and it was really good and I actually felt good after". (He's dating a vegetarian.) So...little victories?
Sometimes I'm amazed at the amount of animal exploitation in my little community.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Making Sure Veganism Comes Up

One of the things that Colleen Patrick-Goudreau says, is that she makes sure that the topic switches to veganism during her conversations with strangers.
At first, that seems like a lot of pressure to 'perform' for the cause. You already know that my speaking skills aren't always accessible to me, but I'm finding myself doing the very same thing. For example, last week at the dentist, I asked the hygienist if she sometimes could identify what she was cleaning out of people's teeth. She said, for sure she could. Especially meat and popcorn kernels. Perfect!! She brought up meat! So I told her she shouldn't find any animal carcasses in my teeth. She asked if I was vegetarian, I said I was vegan, and we talked about nutrition for awhile. It was cool.
Today, I was taking a cab home from the rehab centre, and it came up again! :]
The driver asked what I did last night and I began to tell him about the film I watched(with my Facebook group, Queen City Vegan) Forks Over Knives. I explained how the film was about the health benefits of eating only plants and  I told him I was vegan. I had to explain the difference between vegetarianism and veganism, but it was awesome!! Planting seeds. :]

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leafletting & talking to people

I find myself thinking about doing this type of activism more and more. Seems fairly peaceful and simple.
The one part that makes me uneasy, is I may have to talk to people. This isn't normally a problem. I was a pretty social person, and I'm easily approachable(I've been told).

Since the brain injury though, it's tricky navigating conversations. I'm definitely not as social for that very reason. For a long time I had to think about the way to form sounds to make words(how do I make a long 'a' sound again?). It was terribly exhausting, and it sometimes took a long time to say what I wanted to communicate. This was finally resolved sometime in December 2010. I still forget words from my vocabulary.
For example, talking to Troy about kitchen renovations, and I said "we should get a new oven-head". Troy replied, with a wry smile, "like...a range-hood?" Admittedly, it was pretty cute. We shared a laugh.

One of the coping skills I was taught, is to think of words that are related to the one I want to use. So if I can't think of the word 'chair', I'll call it a 'sitting-shelf''.  It's not always perfect, true, but it gets the point across.
I'm afraid I'll run into that problem. It doesn't happen as often it once did, even months ago, but I don't want non-vegans to judge me as stupid, and I really don't want to represent veganism as that. It simply can't be helped. Chances are, you're the only vegan that that someone knows.

I think I just need a bit more time. Who knows, it could be really different in a month, I am improving quickly. And if I've learned anything from my brain injury, it's that "practice makes perfect". Which, isn't really true, but practice makes everything easier, for sure!

When I came out of the coma, I couldn't speak because I had a trach in my throat. So they tried to give me paper to communicate, but I just would write each letter directly on top of the last. Off to therapies! And lots of practice.

Honestly, I almost prefer to communicate through email(or whatnot) because I can take all the time I need to think of all the words I want to use, and to organize my thoughts. I love reading, so my vocabulary is pretty good and I sound pretty smart most of the time. <sigh> Just be patient. I guess.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So what if my life is short?

I keep hearing from people that they 'only have so long on this Earth, so what if their life is shorter? They are going to enjoy it.'
I can't help but think: Yeah...but it isn't like you just keel over one day. Too often you end up suffering for an extended period of time, sometimes for years, with a debilitating disease or condition. I also start to think about their friends and family, and I can't seem to shake my judgement that these people are being, straight-up, selfish.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Year of the Dog

I've only been vegan since September 12, 2010. This story started years before that.
My husband and I adopted an American Staffordshire Terrier cross from our local shelter. This was 2005. It wasn't long before I was involved in the pit bull rescue community, helping pit bulls find loving homes. At one point we were given a Bloodhound puppy that our friend had rescued. He took the dog from the owner because he wasn't getting his dog's broken leg fixed. The owner had looked into how much fixing the leg would be, decided it was too much, so didn't do anything for days. That's when our friend intervened. He brought the broken dog to our house. We quickly figured out which clinic could actually do something for his leg, and got him there. We paid for his leg to be fixed. It was pricey, he required pins and such. The poor dog was sent back to his owner. I don't really know what happened to him. I hope he's okay and happy.

Anyways! In 2007, I was taking a look at one of my dog magazines and there was a short story about a new film, Year of the Dog, with Molly Shannon and it talked about how the film was all about this character's concern for dogs. I talked Troy into renting it with me and we watched and it was, meh. For me, it was sad. It made me sad. In fact, it made me a bit uncomfortable. I thought this was because it was sad.

Now, the reason I watched it again was because it was recommended on an episode of Our Hen House. They talked about how Molly's character becomes vegan and then follows that with some rather radical and sometimes inappropriate behaviour. It's really a comedy. It really is. Maybe you need to be vegan to understand the humor. Or appreciate it. Maybe I was so blinded to her veganism the first time, that I couldn't appreciate or see the funny bits. She does the stuff that ethical vegans have thought about doing, but don't. Cause that'd be...inappropriate. I don't know how, but I totally missed her becoming vegan. Actually, it makes sense. I had blinders on. I didn't want to see it, so I didn't. So I wanted to see which parts I had missed the first time. It was all of it. I think I must have seen the first 10 minutes and another 10 minutes in the middle and that was it. Because she clearly states several times throughout the film, "I want to be vegan", "I am vegan", "yup, vegan", "those cupcakes have no eggs, milk, or butter". She even sponsors farm animals for family gifts. Is this what everyone goes through? I mean, does everyone really not see vegans? How did I wake up?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Position On Soy

I have heard a lot of criticism of soy. Namely that it's so dangerous because of the phyto-estrogen. Phyto=plant. Mothers seem to be overly concerned about their little boys growing vaginas.
Here's my thinking:
People have been eating soy and tofu/tempeh for centuries with no problems.
What about the plenitude of hormones in animals? There's well over double the amount of estrogen found in milk and flesh than in any plant, more like 6 times the amount, actually. And that's certainly not plant-estrogen. I won't even get into the amount of extra hormones the industry adds to the feed of livestock to ensure quick growth.
People that have a problem with tofu and tempeh because they're curdled and fermented-how is cheese or yogurt made?
The other thing I see is that veganism and tofu, hell vegetarianism and tofu, are often slapped together. It's assumed if you're vegan, you must consume vast amounts of soy. I eat soy(including tofu and tempeh) probably 2-3 times a week. That's way less than meat at every meal that I see most people consuming. If you are vegan, you don't have to eat soy, there are plenty of other plants to choose from. I don't typically drink soy milk either. Almond or rice milk for me. I haven't even tried hemp, oat, hazelnut, or cashew milk yet.
Troy and I also buy only organic soy. To avoid GMO's. 90% of the soy grown is to feed livestock, and it's mostly GMO, unless you're buying organic meat. So the cows are eating GMO soy, and we're eating the cows. Hmm...?
I'm more concerned with the amount of isolated soy protein I see on an astounding amount of package ingredients. This is not only with 'vegan food', but food most people buy. I've noticed this especially once I started paying attention to ingredient lists. I no longer consume near the amount of processed, packaged food. Again, only 2-3 times a week if I'm feeling lazy, because I can make anything I want using just plants(whole foods), and if I'm not sure, I google it. Easy.
Soy(pun definitely intended!), let's not forget to use our brains when we get information.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Protein Myth

Troy Is Amazing

Troy has been amazing through all this! By 'this', I mean, the brain injury and my veganism. I'm told(cause I can't recall!) Troy spoon-fed me, and reminded me everyday of why I was even in the hospital. Once awake from the coma, I wanted to communicate, but I couldn't because of the trach. Luckily, I went to an elementary school with a hearing impaired program, and I picked up some American Sign Language. I guess I automatically started using it to communicate(it's been about 10-12 years since I've used it...ahh the brain), Troy even learned a few words in ASL(ie."toilet", "no") so he could understand me, and so much more! He's so patient. It can take me longer to understand instructions, and he really makes sure I get it. He's very patient because my explanations of things is poor now. I have my education degree so I used to be pretty okay with explanations. Now I listen to the Vegetarian Food For Thought podcasts over and over! Simply because I'm working on my memory, and compassionate responses to common questions/responses to veganism.

Joyful Girl by Ani Difranco

I do it for the joy it brings
because I'm a joyful girl
because the world owes me nothing
and we owe each other the world
I do it because it's the least I can do
I do it because I learned it from you
I do it just because I want to
because I want to

everything I do is judged
and they mostly get it wrong
but oh well
'cuz the bathroom mirror has not budged
and the woman who lives there can tell
the truth from the stuff that they say
and she looks me in the eye
and says would you prefer the easy way?
no, well o.k. then
don't cry

and I wonder if everything I do
I do instead
of something I want to do more
the question fills my head
I know that there's no grand plan here
this is just the way it goes
and when everything else seems unclear
I guess at least I know

I do it for the joy it brings...

Brain Injury Life Lessons

A few things I learned about how to handle life(and vegan stuff) from my severe brain injury:
1) Attitude: if you don't think you can, you can't. Simple as that.
2)Patience: not everything happens when you think it should. 3)Forgiveness: forgive yourself and others for mistakes, both past and present ones.
The beautiful thing about life is you can keep adjusting. I love that once we learn, we can always make a change. You're allowed to change your mind as information becomes available.

Vegans who want to include DHA and EPA in their diets can get it the same way fish do, which is from algae. In fact, from an environmental perspective, it makes sense for omnivores to choose algae-derived supplements over fish oil, too.

My Brain Injury and Being Vegan

Troy and I were in a vehicle collision December 5, 2009. We were t-boned by a speeding stolen vehicle. The people in the other vehicle fled the scene. We were taken out of the car with the jaws of life. Hospital by ambulance. I was in a coma for 8 days. Had to relearn everything we take for granted, like walking, talking, printing, and simple math. I have a severe brain injury, damage to my right frontal lobe and occipital lobe. I was seeing double till April 2010 sometime. Because of my brain injury, I slept about 12 hours at night, plus a 2-3 hour nap during the day. Now I sleep 9-10 hours at night and an hour nap during the day.
Takes me longer to do anything, I have a hard time focusing on something. My memory is also terrible, but always getting better. It wasn't that long ago that I couldn't remember what I did minutes prior. I have many notes and lists. I lost a bunch of weight in the coma, then was tube fed through my nose for a couple weeks. Lost more weight. Once I was able to eat solid foods again, I ate whatever was offered to me. I gained a bunch of weight. Plus fast food was simpler to get than healthy home-made meals. As I got better(and once I stopped seeing double, so I could read) I did a lot of reading about diet, I started with Skinny Bitch. I had no idea it was about being vegan! This is how I became vegan. Not saying that all vegans have had head trauma!
Food is one of the areas I can alter to speed up my recovery. My occupational therapist says diet can change a lot as your brain recovers. I'm also not able to work quite yet(not sure when that will be), I have more time now to practice making different recipes, learning to cook and research nutrition. Plus cooking and working on this stuff is great cognitive therapy.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is my hero. I have all of her books, The Joy of Vegan Baking(my first vegan cookbook!), The Vegan Table, Color Me Vegan, Vegan's Daily Companion and I've pre-ordered The 30 Day Vegan Challenge. I  listen to her podcast, Vegetarian Food For Thought nearly everyday. I have a bit of a 'girl crush' on her, but not to worry, my sweet husband, Troy, knows. :) Actually, I think he knew before I did.
Her podcast is very inspiring, and I feel supported every time I listen. Her cookbooks are so good! She tries to stick to commonly found ingredients, so not a lot of specialty vegan fare required. Which is awesome since Regina does not offer a lot of options for vegans. The Joy of Vegan Baking was my first vegan cookbook, and her instructions are very simple to follow. This is important to me, because my brain injury was pretty fresh(6 months old), and I had a hard time following directions. The trick is to have my nap and don't play music. ;) Plus I used to hate cooking and baking.  Well not anymore baby!

Message to friends regarding my veganism

I'm really happy in this vegan lifestyle. I feel peaceful. I'm glad my actions follow my ethics of non-violence and compassion. I live with integrity. I'm healthier than I've ever been.
I'm really not trying to convert anyone. I'm sharing information so my friends and family can make informed food choices rather than being ignorant. So they can make their own decisions with all of the information rather than follow what they've been led to believe by corporations that have everything to gain($$$). I find it interesting that I'm seen as 'pushing' my veganism onto people, but corporations with ads in every form(television, billboards, radio, etc) aren't viewed as 'pushing' animal products onto people. Here's the deal: I'll stop talking about my veganism once all of the ads for animal parts and secretions stop.

There's a lot of myths out there about vegans and veganism that are unfounded that I need people to know are not the truth.
Being vegan is not expensive at all. When you're buying prepared, packaged food, yes, it gets pricey. But we don't usually eat that stuff, plus the government(both USA and Canada) heavily subsidizes meat, dairy and eggs. So we're not seeing the true cost dollar wise, not to mention other costs such as human and non-human animals rights violations, and environmental and health costs.

'Meat' does not equal animal flesh

"The word “meat” originally meant “that which was eaten (solid food) to distinguish it from that which was drunk (beverages),” and we still say “nut meat” or “coconut meat.” I absolutely abhor such words as “fake," “faux,” “alternative,” & “substitute” to talk about plant foods. I don’t eat “fake meat,” and I do eat “grain-based meat" and “wheat-based meat" and "nut-based meat." I just don’t eat “animal-based meat."-Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Meat Consumption and Global Warming

If everyone in America went vegetarian for 7 days a week, that would be the same as taking all cars off US roads. Vegetarian for 6 days=the total electricity use of all households in the US. Vegetarian for 5 days=planting 13 billion trees and letting them grow for 10 years. Veg for 4 days=halving the domestic use of all electricity, gas, oil, petrol, and kerosene in the US. Veg for 3 day=300 megatons of greenhouse gas emissions. Veg for 2 days=replacing all household appliances with energy efficient ones. Veg for 1 day a week would be like saving 90 million plane tickets from New York to LA.

Chicken Periods(aka eggs)

Yes, I realize it's not quite the same as eating menstrual fluid. But it's damn close. The real difference is that our babies grow inside of us. The potential chick gets all of its nutrients from inside of the egg, while humans first get all of their nutrients from the menstrual lining in their mother's uterus. Now, the same thing happens to female chickens as female humans: if the egg is not fertilized, it gets discarded. It leaves the body. Ta Dah! Eggs and periods. Well to be completely accurate, for birds, the egg leaves the body either way. So, yes, eggs are nutritious.
Nutritious for chicken fetuses! They do have a hell of a lot of cholesterol(more than 200mg per egg)! Yes, I realize that we aren't really eating the "unborn fetuses of chickens", they are unfertilized. Still, that's fucking gross.
Chicken periods.